Is John Cena Dead?

Is John Cena Dead

John Cena a wwe fame, or we can say legend who has more fans. Today i am somewhat busy in surfing the facebook. Under one page post(which is irrelevant to john cena), one guy posted that John cena dead and he attached some creepy video link. I really Shocked when I see the grieve line “John Cena Dead”. But, My mind urged me to click that damn link.

So finally I did that hell thing. But, disappointed ..It showed me ” Buffering…………………… Ahhhh Your social media player need to update” like  a Guy who want to give fool. I don’t like to update because i don’t want to confirm he is alive or not.

But, Some sources said he is dead..but, some good fellows said “Nope”, life if the world ends or not question asked to a new born baby…..

Once John cena met in a car accident. I think its on aug, 2012. but, WWE is not yet announced about John Cena’s dead. Be calm and wait for the Unerring.

If you guys want to check out the link ..Here, the link